Men's Water Polo PASO PanAmerican Championship 2023
Bauru (BRA) - 3 April 2023 - 8 April 2023 

Qualified Nations
Competition Format
April 3rd - April 5th, 2023
3 Nations, Round-Robin, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations will qualify for the Semifinals
I April 6th - April 7th, 2023 3 Nations, Round-Robin, the winning Nation will be the Men's Water Polo PASO PanAmerican Championship 2023 Champion
Road to the Men's Water Polo FINA World Championship 2023
The 1st and 2nd Nations will qualify for the Men's Water Polo FINA World Championship 2023.
Teams already Qualified for the Men's Water Polo FINA World Championship 2023
Australia China Croatia
France Greece
Hungary Italy
Japan Kazakhstan Montenegro
South Africa
United States