Men's Beach Soccer BSWW CAF African Cup of Nations 2021
Saly (SEN) - 23 May 2021 - 29 May 2021 
Qualified Teams
Morocco Mozambique
Senegal Seychelles
Tanzania Uganda
Competition Format
May 23rd - May 26th, 2021
7Teams, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Teams from each Group the 2 best 3rd ranked Teams between all Groups will qualify for the Semilfinals, 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the 5th Place Match
May 28th - May 29th, 2021
8 Teams, 5th Place Match, Semifinals, 3rd Place Match and Final, the winning Team will be the Men's Beach Soccer BSWW CAF African Cup of Nations2021 Champion
Road to the Men's Beach Soccer FIFA World Cup 2021
The 1st and 2nd Teams will qualify for the Men's Beach Soccer FIFA World Cup 2021
Teams already Qualified for the Men's Beach Soccer FIFA World Cup2021
El Slavador Japan Oman Russia
United Arab Emirates United States